Workout - alle øvelser
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- Make sure you initiate the squat by pushing the hips back.
- Do not round the lower back.
- Do not let the knees cave inward.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Indersiden af lår. Overarme. Skulderled. Trapez.
- Keep your back as flat as possible against the wall.
Hands should maintain constant contact with the wall throughout the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Rygstrækning. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
Avoid pulling the leg so far up that it rounds the lower back at the top of the motion. Stay within your flexibility limitations.
Keep the shoulders pulled back and chest up throughout the entire exercise.
Try to keep the supporting leg as straight as possible.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Hofter. Mave. Yderside af lår.
- Avoid leaning too far forward during the exercise. Keep your chest up and shoulders pulled back during the entire movement.
- Try to keep the supporting leg completely straight during the exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Læggene.
- Avoid leaning too far forward during the exercise. Keep your chest up and shoulders pulled back during the entire movement.
- Do not jam the knee up as high as possible. Keep your stomach tight and raise your leg only as high as comfortable.
- Try to keep the supporting knee completely straight during the exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Hofter. Læggene.
- Avoid leaning too far forward during the exercise. Keep your chest up and shoulders pulled back during the entire movement.
- Try to keep the supporting knee completely straight during the exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Hofter. Læggene.
- Roll slowly. Take your time and target the tight spots.
- Avoid applying too much pressure at first. Start with light pressure and increase throughout the set.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Do not use momentum to lift the weights. Instead, control the motion throughout.
- Avoid letting your elbows bend excessively during the motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Rygstrækning. Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Be sure to squeeze the triceps at top of movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Overarm bagside.
- Do not allow your shoulders to round forward during the exercise. Pull your shoulders back and keep your chest up the entire time.
- Do not allow your lower back to overarch during the movement. Keep your core tight and brace your abs to prevent injury.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Bryst. Mave. Ryg. Skulderled. Skuldre. Øverste ryg.
- Avoid letting your hips sag excessively. Keep your body in a straight line throughout the exercise.
- Keep your elbows tucked into your sides during the movement and avoid letting them flare out to the sides.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Hofter. Mave. Overarm bagside. Skulderled. Skuldre.
- Keep your knees slightly bent to avoid rolling back and forth on the ball.
- Use a ball that allows your arms to fully extend without touching the ground.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Nederste ryg. Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Keep your knees slightly bent to avoid rolling back and forth on the ball.
- Don't use momentum to raise your arms up.
- Squeeze your back and shoulder blades at the top of the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hofter. Mave. Rygstrækning. Skulderled. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Keep core engaged throughout duration of exercise.
- Back should remain parallel to ground throughout duration of exercise.
- Raising thumbs to ceiling can create a mental advantage of keeping arms parallel to floor.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Mave. Skulderled. Trapez.
- Maintain a tight core throughout the movement.
- Be sure to rotate your palm upward at full extension
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ryg. Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez.
- To keep body from rolling back and forth, knees should remain slightly bent.
- Keep core braced throughout duration of exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Keep core braced throughout movement.
- Avoid lowering arms back to starting position too quickly.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Make sure you keep a slight bend in the elbows throughout the movement.
- Do not let your hips sag low.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Bryst. Haser. Mave. Skuldre.
- Do not put your feet directly underneath your shoulders. Put them a little bit ahead of your body.
- Make sure you initiate the movement with your hips, not your knees.
- Do not let your heels come off the floor.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Mave. Underkrop.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Lår.
- Avoid rounding your upper back too much. Instead, keep your shoulders pulled back and chest up throughout the exercise.
- Avoid allowing your knees to cave in during the squatting motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Indersiden af lår. Mave. Ydre bug.
- Don't let your back round at any point during the movement.
- Don't allow your knees to cave in as you squat down.
- You should feel tension in your hamstrings and glutes when you reach for your toes. It should not strain your lower back.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Brede ryg. Forside af lår. Haser. Hofter. Ryg.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of each rep.
- Start the movement with your hips, not your knees.
- Keep your back straight throughout the motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Do not let your knees cave inward on the squat.
- Make sure you reach your foot far enough away from your body to create a wide base.
- Do not let your heels raise from the ground on the squat.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Avoid bending the stretched leg. Make sure to keep it straight during the stretch.
- Keep the stretched leg heel grounded. Do not let your heel come off of the ground during the stretch.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Læggene.
- Avoid going too far and hyperextending your back at the top of the exercise. Keep your core tight to minimize risk of injury.
- Avoid bending forward at the torso during the exercise. Instead, keep your chest up tall and move only through your hips.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Mave. Underkrop.
- Keep your knees out and centered over your feet throughout the entire exercise. Avoid letting them roll in as you rotate.
- Keep your feet flat on the ground and center your weight over your heels.
- Avoid rounding your shoulders forward during the exercise. Pull your shoulders down and back.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Mave. Skulderled. Ydre bug.
- Avoid leaning from one side to the other during the movement. Keep your upper body centered the entire time.
- Avoid bending forward at the torso during the exercise. Instead, keep your chest up tall and move only through your hips.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Indersiden af lår. Mave.
- Resist making this a bouncy movement. Instead control the movement throughout.
- Be sure to squeeze the calves at the top of the movement.
- Make sure to drop the heel as far as possible to achieve the greatest stretch.
- Keep your legs straight throughout the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Læggene.
- Don't use momentum to raise the dumbbells.
- Keep your elbows back to keep the tension on your biceps.
- Focus on a full range of motion and straighten your arms at the bottom of the curl.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Overarme. Underarme.
- Avoid allowing the band to pull your upper body forward during the exercise. Keep your chest up and shoulders back throughout the movement.
- Avoid overarching the neck during the exercise. Keep your head in a straight line with the rest of your body.
- Do not let the knees cave inward during the squat. Force the knees out and over the feet the entire time.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Underkrop.
- Make sure you point your toes out enough for a wide stance squat.
- Keep your chest up as you squat down.
- Do not let your knees cave inward on the squat.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Forside af lår. Haser. Hofter. Underkrop. Ydre bug.
- Do not step back too close to the body. Reach back far enough so that your hips have room to drop.
- Don't allow the knee to cave inward.
- Do not rise from the squat position prematurely.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Avoid letting knees slide past toes when descending.
- Avoid leaning too far forward.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Avoid over straining your neck. Keep your head in a neutral alignment with the rest of your body during the exercise.
- Avoid lifting your body too high during the exercise. Only lift up enough to get your chest slightly off the ground before returning to the starting position.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of the motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Mave. Ryg. Rygstrækning.
- Do not let the knees cave inward.
- Do not let the heel of the foot lose contact with the ground during the squat.
Avoid initiating the squat by jutting the knee forward. Instead, push the hips back.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Indersiden af lår. Underkrop.
- Do not allow the shoulder to roll forward. Lock it in place and then stretch.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skuldre.
- Be sure to keep chin parallel to the floor throughout duration of exercise.
- Do not allow your knees to collapse inward as you land.
- Don't put too much weight on your toes when you squat or when you land.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Avoid rounding your upper back. Keep spine flat and chest raised.
- You can brace your alternate hand on your hip or upper thigh.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Overarme. Øverste ryg.
- Weight should move in a controlled manner.
- Chin should remain parallel to floor and core braced throughout duration of exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Overarm bagside. Skuldre.
- Avoid round your back. Instead, keep spine long and back flat.
- Don't allow hips to wiggle. Keep them stationary and facing forward throughout the exercise. The movement should come from your midsection.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Ydre bug.
- Don't use momentum to raise your leg. Move slowly.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of each rep.
- Keep your neck in line with your spine at all times.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Hofter. Mave. Ydre bug.
- Do not let your arms sit still at your side. Pump them during the exercise.
- Keep a slight bend in your knees throughout the entire exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Hofter. Mave. Ydre bug.
- Squeeze your abs and glutes to keep your body stabilized.
- Keep your neck in line with your spine and avoid raising or dropping your head.
- Don't allow your hips to drop. Maintain a straight line from head to toes.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Skuldre. Ydre bug.
- Don't use momentum to raise your leg. Move slowly.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of each rep.
- Keep your neck in line with your spine at all times.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Hofter. Mave. Ydre bug.
- Be sure to keep your torso upright.
- Do not make the stretch too uncomfortable. It should be slightly uncomfortable, but not painful.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Forside af lår. Hofter.
- Keep your arms completely loose throughout movement.
- Repeat the motion in both directions.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skuldre. Trapez.
- Make sure to keep knees bent to 90 degrees and maintain your posture throughout the move.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Bryst. Overarm bagside. Skuldre.
- Avoid letting your back round throughout the movement. Instead, keep your chest up and stand tall throughout the exercise.
- Do not raise the weights too high. Stop when your upper arm is parallel to the ground.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez.
- Keep your feet flat on the ground throughout the exercise.
- Avoid letting your lower back come off the ground.
- Perform reps slowly to avoid using momentum.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Ryg. Ydre bug.
- Do not let your knee move past your foot.
- Step back far enough to give your hips room to lower toward the floor.
- Keep your front foot pressed firmly against the floor throughout the move.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Mave. Skulderled. Skuldre.
- Do not let your knee move past your foot.
- Step back far enough to give your hips room to lower toward the floor.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser. Skuldre.
- Do not hyperextend your lower back at the top of the repetition.
- Do not use momentum to raise or lower your legs.
- Squeeze your glutes at the top of the motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Rygstrækning.
- Avoid doing the exercise too quickly. Instead, lower your legs slowly and in a controlled fashion.
- Don't use momentum to bring your knees towards your chest. All movement occurs with your hips and abs.
- Avoid lifting your neck at any point during the exercise.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hofter. Mave. Ryg. Rygstrækning.
- Keep the tension on your triceps at all times. You should not feel pain in your shoulders.
- Keep your chest upright and don't let your upper back round.
- Press through your palms to help activate your triceps.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Overarm bagside. Skuldre.
- Be sure to reach as far forward as possible and rotate your palm up at the end of the movement.
- Keep your head in a straight line with the rest of the body. Avoid hyperextending your neck to look up.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hofter. Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Keep your back flat.
- Do not let your torso sway as you raise your leg.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Haser. Hofter. Mave.
- Be sure to breathe deeply throughout the exercise.
- Do not round your back.
- Press through your palms and squeeze your glutes to prevent movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Mave. Ryg. Rygstrækning.
- Do not allow hips to sag. Instead, keep hips raised and aligned with your shoulders.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hele kroppen. Overarm bagside. Skulderled. Store bryst.
- Keep your back flat throughout the movement.
- Maintain a tight core for the duration of the movement.
- Fully extend the elbows at the top of the pushup.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Overarm bagside. Skulderled. Store bryst.
- ingen
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller.
- Do not round the upper back.
- Make sure you drive through your heels and not your toes. Heel should not leave the ground.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Forside af lår. Haser.
- Do not slouch your torso forward during the kick.
- Do not let the kicking leg droop to the floor.
- Squeeze your abs and glutes to help with stability.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Forside af lår. Hofter.
- Do not let your knees cave inward as you squat.
- Do not let your heels lose contact with the floor during the squat.
- Don't bend your knees to start the squat. Instead, push your hips back to initiate the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Ben. Forside af lår. Haser. Indersiden af lår.
- Do not allow your back to round.
- Do not allow your hips to drop or sag.
- Press your elbows into the floor and squeeze your glutes to maximize stability.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Mave. Ydre bug.
- Do not let your knee move past your foot.
- Keep your back flat and always move within a comfortable range of motion.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Mave. Skuldre. Ydre bug.
- Keep your shoulder blades tucked down and back for more shoulder stability as you press the weights overhead.
- Don't excessively arch your lower back as you press the weights overhead.
- Don't allow your elbows to flare out to the sides.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Skulderled. Skuldre.
- Do not let your elbows bend during the exercise.
- Maintain a slow, even pace throughout the walk.
- Keep your core engaged and your back in a neutral position.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Ben. Mave. Overarm bagside. Skuldre.
- Keep your back flat and chest lifted. Do not arch your lower back during the movement.
- Use the shoulders to initiate the movement. Do not sway your upper body to help with the lift.
- Keep your head in line with your spine at all time.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Skulderled. Skuldre. Trapez. Øverste ryg.
- Maintain a flat back and tight core throughout the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Brede ryg. Overarm bagside. Ryg. Skulderled. Skuldre.
- Use a controlled movement to tuck knees to chest. Do not use momentum.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave.
- Avoid using your arms to pull the kettlebell up.
- Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury.
- Do not squat down as you bring the kettlebell between your legs. The bend in your knees should not change during the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Arme. Baller. Haser.
- Be sure to drive shoulder blades into the ground to power the press.
- Be sure to pause at the bottom of the lift, negating the stretch reflex.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Bryst. Mave. Overarm bagside. Skuldre.
- Always stay within your comfort and flexibility zone.
- Perform the circles in a slow and controlled manner to minimize the risk of injury.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Nakke. Trapez.
- Press forcefully through your elbow to raise your body.
- Squeeze your abs and glutes to keep your body stabilized.
- Keep your neck in line with your spine and don't raise or drop your head.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Ydre bug.
- Do not allow your upper back to round at any point.
- As you drive your leg back, make sure you squeeze your glutes.
- Squeeze your abs throughout the entire movement, engaging the obliques to pull up the knee.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Baller. Hofter. Mave.
- Make sure the medicine ball is pressed against your chest throughout the entire movement.
- Do not let your feet leave the ground.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hofter. Mave. Nederste ryg.
- Be sure hands are positioned directly under the natural arch in lower back.
- Do not round your upper back.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Mave. Ydre bug.
- Keep your leg as straight as possible during the movement.
- Avoid using momentum to get your leg up. Perform each rep in a slow and controlled fashion.
- Keep feet flexed.
- Keep the lower back in contact with the floor throughout the movement.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Hofter. Mave.
- Roll slowly. Take your time and target the tight spots.
- Avoid applying too much pressure at first. Start with light pressure and increase throughout the set.
Påvirker især disse muskler:Der er ingen data fundet